
Hayaka thought about the possibility of Johanna and her facing each other at the championship bout. Even so, she is prepared to do everything in her power to stay in power and retain the crown of a champion for VOF Bout now for three consecutive times.

            If I win against my competitor, whoever she is, I will always try my best to make sure that she will have a great and memorable fight with me! I love Johanna and will do anything to keep her, but what if my championship is what's at stake this time? Then, may the best woman win! Hiyahhh!, Hayaka thought without a doubt and regret while she is doing a sword fight using her 'katana' for about three hours now.  She is imagining her opponent then at her training room, women and men appeared taller and doubly huge than her. One by one the hologram that changed into real fighters charged at her. But each one suffered a blow, cut, slice and hit by Hayaka. They swiftly disappeared one by one just like the time they entered to confront the champion earlier. Himi, Hayaka's pet doggo, flipped and barked when the fighters came and disappeared into the bright moonlight. Hayaka's training ground is like a station that turns or change, location, background or effects depending on her mood or liking. Himi disappears too and only appears when Hayaka calls for him. Himi is with her family and his virtual self becomes reality when our champion asks of his presence when she misses him. But if not, the AI doggo is playfully lingering or annoying Hayaka's dad or mom at home as he is always does.

            Hihi, awwee, dad, just feed him with the chips (metal) I bought the last time I visited you. I think we still have some on a container under the sink. Just be careful when feeding him unless you want your jewelries bit, take them off first before you give him the chips. Thanks and lots of love. Where's mom?, Hayaka asked and when her dad tried to call for the woman who is at the bathroom. Himi gobbled her dad's cell phone which made the man furious.

            Hearing his monotoned-pitch but angry voice on the background, Himi vomited with the cell phone still intact and turned on, I laughed and scolded Himi saying that if he won't be good, I will never feed him with chips or won't time warp his virtual AI self to my room, ever, again. Himi stopped jumping and behaved. Hayaka's dad fed the doggo with some chips when her mom appeared on the cell screen and kissed Hayaka goodnight, telling her good luck and take care on her bout.

            Thanks, I will, I love you, night! hihi!, Hayaka said and the cell turns off as she lays on her bed, still thinking about the fight and if Jon is her opponent for the championship bout then hearing someone walk to her room which is now dark. Only the neon blue light on her aquarium with five goldfishes swimming in it and her tiny light blue bulbs surrounding the edges of her ceiling are turned on so she can still see a tiny bit but not so much when Jon sat beside her why she knew it was her beloved girlfriend.

            Speaking of the devil! Hi!, can't sleep?, Hayaka asked Jon who entered her room without a knock or any word.

            Yeah, I'm worried, what if…, Jon said when Hayaka silenced her with a kiss on the mouth. I know, if we will end up fighting each other. Then, fight, me, with everything you've got!

            But you know that if I do that, I can hurt you!, Jon added kissing Hayaka back.

            Well, we are fighters and warriors for the universe, it's just natural to get hurt or even killed in the battlefield. Just like the VOF Bout, we are in a war, so, if you don't want to get hurt or be killed, fight, if not then I would despise you if you back down or give up without trying!, Hayaka added and jumped on top of Jon kissing and touching the girl who giggled. Alright, if you say so!, Jon added and got turned on with the kiss so they cuddled and made love together that night.

            Jon is asleep in Hayaka's bed, in the middle of the night when the champion escaped from her girlfriend's hug to continue with her training.

            The Championship Bout challenging the champion will take about three to five hour battle. This has been the case for all fights of VOF championships. Sometimes fighters tend to lax or get tired with a couple of few hours bout but this trial makes a warrior groan in pain and fatigue since crashing for both MS can be overwhelming and exhausting at times. Even if one fighter thought he or she is brave or strong. He or she can still get defeated from trauma, numbness and uncontrolled body and Moblie Skims, due to the entirety of feeling lost, or the gravity of being unable to manage their tired bodies, sometimes spirits or Skims. The threat here is not really the robots but the person controlling the Mobile Skims who is either strong or weak and that makes the big difference in determining, choosing, between a champion and a coward. A coward or weakling will give up but a leader, champion, will fight to the end or to the death.

However determined and hardworker a fighter is, it's still depends on the will power and patience of him or her who won't give up or get discouraged in the face of adversity or strong opponent. Sometimes in life we also get weak, scared or feel defeated but we can rest or relax a bit but never let our guard down or lazy. As fighters we get fed up or fatigue but don't settle for less and run away from an enemy hence become more aggressive, wise and patient. Patience is not only a virtue but a need in times that we feel we can't go on anymore or we are wasted, worn or drained out. God, the creator,