
I didn't think Zero would be this beautiful!, Dunea said while holding hands with Ericka as they walk out of the hotel to the terrace at the top, 50th floor. Yeah, wowowow!, I see the Hell's or Haven's Bridge and it's lovely! That's red, orange yellow and purple hues for you in a warm and pretty night at Zero!, Ericka added and smiled, breathing the sweet smelling breeze on one of the highest buildings built nearly ten or fifteen years ago as apartment comples for the mining, fishing and farming folks of Luna District. But now since the citizens have jobs on upper ground than under they live as executives and or owners of their own small businesses such as food stalls, shops or carts. Some also owns the malls, restaurants, markets and inns. The hotels are ownd by the mayor or city government so does the hospitals, schools and public establishments like mining, fishing, farming or parks. The motels are private owned so they are also giving off income for the local government unit and more.

 The moon is already on its full power and Dunea is feeling the light of her favorite moment which is more than wonderful, so I hugged her from behind and kissed her hair with its grape and strawberry fragrance that made me want to move to her front and kiss her mouth while she is calmly imbibing the great experience in. Haa…..I love you!, Ericka sighed and Dunea kissed her back full of love and sweetness.

 So, let's go down to prepare and dress up for the party, ready!?, Dunea said. Ready!, Ericka replied confidently.


Michelin gave Violet a morning wake up call and that it is already Saturday, and that she needs to get goin to Zero. Later, the Victor of Fire Bout Welcoming Party will start at six in the evening. She needs to be there for the opening ceremonies with a speech she was asked to do to give inspiration to the fighters for the championship battle.

 Jon, are you sure you want me to come with you?, Hayaka said while her girlf riend is still thinking of coming out of the car or not (Zero VOF Bout service car). So?

 Yup, I can do this. My mom will understand!, Jon thought still worried that Mon will get mad at her for visiting their humble abode.

 Hayaka was surprised, no, shocked to see that Jon lives in a shanty town. Luna has two sides of its town, the lower ground level is called Niete and the upper level is Sol. Luna, the capital district of Zero has everything that one can ever think of and really is a heavenly place to live in. Yet there is still the other side of this town that remained poor and that is where Jon and her family is settling in until now.

 The town isn't foul smelling or dirty but it's just that remnants of the dark past of the mining fields and hills are still seen everywhere. And it feels eerie or weird everytime you think of this place as once a glorious district where gold is mined, developed and made for foreigners, huerts, ospians and AI's all over the universe, ten years ago before the devastating war. Even if Niete district is an old town, it is a rich home for culture, nice people and brave history of the Luna capital.

 Sol, on the upper east-side which is just a bridge over difference from Niete, looking at it, is almost the same as Niete yet as if cleaned and freshened up for maybe five or eight years why it looks pleasant and beautiful now though the buildings and establishments are still worn or has passed their primes.

 Jon held my hand and it's sweaty and cold. I can tell that she is nervous and as if she isn't breathing when we stood at a two-story house. Thank God that she decided to inhale and exhale to calm herself down.

 Mon! I'm home!, Jon shouted. When no one answered she walked inside the dilapidated metal gate, flower and vegetable gardens, and an old wooden porch with a wooden seat with broken hand rest and another seat beside it. In the middle of the seats is a small table with a cup of tea or maybe coffee still hot on top of it. Jon still holding my hand moved towards the front porch and the door swang right in front of us. Mon so startled seeing us, almost lost her grip on the kettle which she maybe brought in to get some more drink or maybe not.

 Jesus!, Jon?. Don't scare me like that! What are you doing here? I told you that…., Mon said and Jon finished what she is about to say….I shouldn't come here again since I need to get rich and get out of Luna, Niete or Zero, and forget about this rotten place forever! Mon, you know very well that I can't do that, I love you too much and I want to help you! Okay, okay, I know you earn with your job at a fishing market as a manager for the Fish-O-Fillet Store, but I know with my talent and my occupation as flighter I can support you. And this time, you don't need to work. Mon, mom, please, hear me out first!, Jon insisted.

 Hayaka unheld Jon's hand when Mon saw it and her brows curled up. Jon seeing what I did, came towards me and took my hand again and held it. Mon, Hayaka is my friend and maybe more than a friend. But I love her and I love you too, so please, get along, just for me!

 Mon smiled and sighed in relief. She asked us to join her for coffee that smelled very good and aromatic, so Jon and I sat at the tiny chairs. Mon, placed the kettle on the table and told us to wait. She walked back inside the house and when she came back, out, she is holding two plastic foldable chairs for us to sit on.

Those chairs won't fit both of you any more, you have grown bigger and beautiful too. My baby is now a lady. And a strong fighter too!, Mon added and smiled while touching my hair and my cheek then kissed them.

 Mom, I missed you!, Jon replied and hugged Mon. Hayaka held Jon's hand and the girl took her mom's to hold Hayaka's and both women smiled while holding hands together.

 I love you, honey!, Mon said gently. The three women are now sitting on the porch listening to an old radio that Jon's dad has bought her mom years ago with a song playing and singing….'you fill up my senses….like a night in the forest….springtime…come fill me again!