
I remember what Richard Bach said in a quote, that 'there is no such thing as problem too great without a gift for you in its hands'. And with problems we are tested on fire like gold or diamond shaped to the person and people who need to become. We don't need to blame or overthink the cause of the issues, instead we should ask ourselves what we can learn from the the situation, and how the experience will help us grow. Therefore, to end my speech, I know you are all eager to eat and party tonight, haha! (audience is laughing with the leader). I will not hold you up anymore, but just one last message to motivate our fighters in their battles tomorrow… Enjoy your life, your fight, since you are all built and trained to do it eversince but always keep in mind that you are sisters and our enemy is not each other but those who seek war, evil and promote discord rather than peace and happiness to our city, world and universe. Thank you and have a fun evening!, Violet said and smiled at the audience who stood up and clapped their hands.

 Thank you madame! Please sit here with the officials since they have been asking for you earlier on and wanted to discuss something with you for tomorrow's Bout!, one VOF official mentioned while Polo and Gail walked up to the stairs to continue with the program proper.

 Alright guys, give it up for our leader Ms. D'Mundo and now introducing our next presenters, our dancers with a very special number…give it up for VOF Danzz Crew!, Polo said and Gail helped the crew to point where they needed to stand in and dance for the audience.

 Violet accepted the invitation to sit with the VOF Officials. Michelin with his team are not far from the leader and still checking on the surroundings. Tina, Frank and some UBI members are at the communications/television room which is at the upper part of the dome to do surveillance for the bout and the people entering and leaving the place for security purposes. The VOF TV crew, Giga TV 54, Giga net and some other online and TV broadcasting companies to cover the opening event are there too for the live coverage of the bout and the party.

 Ericka is with Dunea, Cecilia, Jon and Hayaka at the other side of the table but waved at the lady leader who is already smiling seeing her daughter from afar. Ericka missed her mom so she stood and walked towards the VOF table and kissed her mother lovingly. Violet hugged Ericka and greeted the girl with a kiss as well. Both talked for a bit and Ericka left a while since the event is about to start with the dance.

 The shows in this era are digital and are presented through virtual cinematic scenes and holograms which is very powerful tool to entice the audience and make them believe that the place is for real. So the fights are even built to have several backgrounds to look real such as if the fighters or officials wanted a fiery or watery draft, it can happen with the latest technology and scientific artistry, internet and television is hundred times advanced than in the 21st century's virtual goggles.

 DGTV hovers are now flying and can reach up to 300 feet so anyone can see what's happening from afar on television, giganet, even the universe or outer planets and other galaxies that can reach live streams.

 Jon and Hayaka, Ericka and Dunea danced on the floor when the DJ flipped some techno miusic for everyone to enjoy. Cecilia is talking to Violet now when Miles appeared in the middle of the room. Rene, Hayley, Akhmed and Yogi are here too just to visit and watch the battle tomorrow. They are statying at the same hotel where the girls are staying. Michelin just advised the cleaners to furnish and tidy the USN command center at Zero (one of the many branches or units of the main office) The employees working in the unit is so happy to welcome the leader and it's been a while since she visited the place and it's a wonderful and epic moment for them to meet and be with her again.

 Violet left the party early and went straight ahead to the USN branch. Michelin and his team already made sure that the place is secure. Violet went in and talked a bit with the staff, then said her goodbyes, took a quick bath and rested early. She needs to wake up before sunshine the next day to help with the VOF championship bout decisions. Though Violet is just an audience herself she still have a say in difficult choices that the officials need to do if something comes up and if in case they didn't know how to settle issues such as having a tie between competitors. Eventhough ties seldom happens in championship bouts, still they all need to be prepared for the best and for the worst case scenarios, right.

Lloyd officially started dating Godiva. They decided to see each other once in a while, meeting in parks, restaurants or places they consider public areas that won't seem too obvious or indecent, if their schedule permits it. Lloyd and Godiva are now consultant heads of their instructing departments since both showed promise in the recent Championship Bout. Though, Lloyd is still in Zero supporting and guiding his Bulldogs team. He makes sure to call or message Godiva of his schedules and or just to say hi every now and then to tell his love how much she means to him. How sweet!

 Jax, Menace and Slash are on a case concerning virus that spreads in a form of cough-like symptoms where the victims appear nauseous then move like a zombie thus run after people and bite them. It is said to already have struck twenty patients or more across a town in district 40. It is a handful that aside from Jax's team she also requested for back up of about five Flighters to cover for them if in case something nasty or crazy like being attacked and eaten by this so called Zilos.