
My, God!, they are both amazing!, Tala said. The crowd and live streamers are so excited and amazed how the fight is going. They don't know who will win and this is making every one hodl their breaths. Haa….we are still on!, polo, if you just tuned in now, Dunea and Jon are tied. Who will win this Bout? Hold your horses and don't change the channel, we'll be right back…then commercials came in flooding for VOF.

 Dunea is thinking how she can defeat Jon but the girl is wittingly good at avoiding her hits. Her powers won't even work for her. Ahh..Jon really is hard to assess. What the f*ck?, Dunea is still assessing on Jon when the girl is already on top of her to hit her with the arnis. Dunea was able to dock to the left yet the arnis already hit her shoulder that Julieta's arm loosened. Haa….you bitch!

 Haha….that's my gift for you, Blue Girl!, Jon said and annoyingly hit her again and again until Julieta's arm fell off. Then Jon moved upward and flew so high thus quickly went down faster than the speed of light with a goodbye flying kick to make Julieta fall instantly to the ground. And the fight was over. Jon is still on top of Julieta when Dunea's side of the rink blinked with red light. She sighed and breathed then smiled. You win! So get off me, Bitch!, Dunea said.

 Haaa…yessss! Thank the gods!, Jon shouted and moved out of Julieta's way then rested her MS on her side of the rink. Jon got out of the user's pit and ran to Mon to hug her.

 Now, since Dunea from the Bull Dogs Team is defeated, Jon needs to face the fiercest opponent who is an expert in shooting, taekwando and katana. As a challenger for the Champ title, Jon knows she is up against someone she admires for a long time and love deep in her heart, but is considered her greatest enemy, a huge bolder that blocks her way to bag the championship at this tournament now.

 Hayaka from G-Force Police is up and about to her Skims. We believe that Jon and Hayaka are best friends. How would they do this? Would this fight affect their friendship? Let's see. Just tune in to Victor of Fire Bout and a little later we will have the much awaited Champ Title Challenge!, Polo added and Gail is already on the rink to welcome the guest singer to entertain the guests and audience now.

 Whattt!!? No, aha…so, haaa, what is it you want me to do for the day, master!?, Tala said, bowing in front of her teacher. She looked at Belinda whose eyes are already sparkling diamond now. Hahaha…oh my girl, you'll love it, let's see! Aha…

 Clean this and this..that, it needs to be smooth and smelling sweet and fresh!!!, Belinda cried. She even ordered me to do her dishes, clear her baths and room, etc. This woman is really evil! Am I her slave or what? Help!, Tala said while Belinda is laughing her heart out. So cold and brutal! I hate her so much now!!....

 Aoi and Kaori is both silent when they were called to the laboratory to check on ships that accidentally spotted but Messiah 3000 not far from Saturn. What now?, I thought we can watch Jon and Hayaka's fight, hmp! I really wanted to get a glimpse of the championship fight. Huh! This is so unfair!, Aoi cried.

 Babe! I know this is a let down but we need to check on those UFS and be sure that they are not invaders or worse, Sentinels! Right?, Kaori added. She even held Aoi's hand and kissed it to keep her calm. Yeah well, what can we do but it's indeed our job to make sure earth and the universe is safe…from…what the f*ck! Kao, look!, Aoi stunned to see falling object, like meteors or stars maybe.

Sh*t no, let's hurry, they aren't stars Aoi, they are….

 Ships debris!, both shouted and looked scared. The rover drone went off skyroketting like there's no tomorrow. Aoi took shots from her cell phone to find out what those debris were and true enough they are from UASA CRAWL, some of the ship we use when we do patrol, scouting foreigners, ospians or aliens especially Sentinels or Xerxians who still has qualms with earth and other planets huerts or ospians alike. They really wanted to take revenge from the failed attempt to invade Earth twenty years ago. And now this…they really want us dead or alive and they are even doing it with us unaware of the invasion. Fools!, NASA, UASA, USN and ACM shoul have known about this plot!, Aoi said and when the rover dronw arrived the lab. DOGS Academy Agents called to the scientists and adviced them to check on their systems.

 About 10,000 Sentinels are already seen charging towards Earth via Jupiter. Since Omega is a far off planet, the Sentinels might have used wormholes, time warp and time-lapsed from another galaxy to Milky Way. We still don't have clear data on where Sentinels really come from since they just pop up and about anywhere. It's infuriating because they have that intimidating, limitless power against huerts and ospians who have limited machines and intelligence to beat aliens like Sentinels. Sentinels are either huert or ospian but has a different, sort of extreme and exaggerating physical features which we huets consider as scary, weird and disgusting. Sentinels are robots but much more sturdy, hard and flambuoyant machines used by neither huert or ospian since they are genetically enhanced and fabricated. Meaning a Sentinel is an alien but called Xerxian. Xerxians came from the name of their king Xerxian. But since he is known to be cruel and merciless, he kills and initiates wars to massacre innocents or soldiers for power, influence and gold. Though King Xerxian has changed that instead of killing or attempting to start wars or chaos in the universe, he is lately reported to help planets and galaxies like Dox to recuperate from the past wars that happened there. But is it too late to do that? The planet is a total mess and is already a home for the wild and monsters where no huert or ospian can survive unless you're leader Lee and his corrupt, deceitful and greedy officials who are surviving there but nearly, I think!, Aoi thought. Haa…so much for Sentinels, Xerxian war history crash course. So, what do we do!?