Selecting Courses

With that, Aria rose from her seat and headed towards the door. As she left, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards her for taking the time to speak with me and offer her advice.

As I watched her leave, I couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to our conversation than met the eye. Aria's words hinted at a deeper understanding of the situation, and I couldn't help but wonder what thoughts were running through her mind.

Nevertheless, I pushed aside my curiosity for the time being and focused on the task at hand. With Aria's recommendations in mind, I began to plan out my schedule for the first semester.

Original Adrian took the Ruins Exploration, Advanced Combat Techniques, Survival Training, and Aether Control and Manipulation courses. However, with Aria's suggestion and my knowledge of the novel in mind, I decided to make a few adjustments to my schedule.

I will definitely sign up for the Ruins Exploration since there will be quite a few events in it. I mean if the MC takes this course, there's bound to be some incidents in every novel. By the way, Aurelius took five courses in the first semester: Ruins Exploration, Survival Training, Monster 101, Intermediate Combat Techniques, and Darkness Manipulation.

He didn't have to take other courses since there was his Master and my sister's Master for him to learn from.

Anyway, the Survival Training is also on my list. 

I don't need to attend the Monsters 101, since I already know everything about the monsters. Well, at least the ones which will be taught in the course.

I also need to take Advanced Combat Techniques and Aether Control and Manipulation. My control over Aether is good but it is poor compared to Aria, my sister, and Aurelius. I bet it is worse than that dumbass Emeric's. 

Well, I learned it through books and trying and practicing by myself. It's natural for me to be bad at it. So I wonder if that's why the original Adrian took these courses. He was definitely smart, but the damn author showed poorly this side of him. 


Since I already chose the main course I will be taking, I need to choose another two or one which will be useful for the future.

After pondering a bit, I decided to head to the dorm reception hall to check out the course catalog. 

Upon reaching the reception hall, I found the course catalog displayed on a large screen. I scrolled through the list of available courses for first-year students, taking note of their descriptions and prerequisites.

Here were the options:


Ruins Exploration

Survival Training

Monster 101

Intermediate Combat Techniques

Advanced Combat Techniques

Aether Control and Manipulation

Ice Manipulation

Fire Manipulation

Earth Manipulation

Wind Manipulation

Water Manipulation

Lightning Manipulation

Darkness Manipulation

Light Manipulation

Healing Arts

Alchemy Basics

Basic Enchantment

Herbalism and Potion-Making


Beast Taming and Training




Since I am affinityless, I won't even consider elemental-related courses. I don't also need healing arts since it will require one to have light affinity at later stages. The same thing can be said for smithing since you need to have an affinity with fire. I can't learn alchemy as well.

But I can give Herbalism and Potion-Making a go since it is a bit different from alchemy.

I can learn basic enchantment as well since you don't need an affinity for the basic enchantment. But I won't choose this one since I can enchant weapons for money.

And the last one is Beast Taming and Training. The most popular and interesting choice for someone like me who has read tons of stories with it being the main theme. However, Beast Taming is not popular or highly recommended. 

Only those who have abilities related to taming monsters or Awakeners who are rich can learn it and then maybe succeed. 

'Ok, I will choose this one then!'

I decided to choose this for my last course.

Even if I don't have a special ability for taming nor I'm filthy rich, I know the future of Beast Taming is bright. Especially for someone like me who has no affinity.

With my decision made, I confidently selected Beast Taming and Training as my final course for the semester. Despite the challenges it might present, I felt drawn to the prospect of exploring this lesser-known aspect of Awakener's abilities and forging connections with powerful creatures. Just imagine having a dragon as your familiar beast! You can fly anywhere around the world, not to mention how powerful they are. Though I know I can't tame a dragon, it still feels good just imagining it.

As I finalized my course selections, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for the semester ahead. Each course offered unique opportunities for growth and discovery, and I was eager to immerse myself in the academy's diverse curriculum.

Now, the only thing I needed to do was to sign up for them.

Leaving the dorm reception hall, I made my way to the designated building where course registrations were taking place. As I approached, I noticed a small line forming outside the entrance, with several of my classmates waiting patiently for their turn to sign up for their chosen courses.

Glancing around, I recognized familiar faces from my classes and training sessions. Some were chatting eagerly with their friends, while others stood quietly, lost in their own thoughts.

Seeing the line, I hesitated for a moment. While I was eager to secure my spot in the courses I had selected, I wasn't particularly fond of waiting in line, especially when there were so many other tasks I could be attending to.

After a brief internal debate, I decided to postpone signing up for the courses and return to my room for the time being. The line seemed to be moving slowly, and I figured it would be more efficient to come back later when it was less crowded.

Turning on my heel, I retraced my steps back to the dormitory, feeling a sense of relief at avoiding the wait. Besides, I still had plenty of time before the deadline for course registrations, so there was no rush.