Weapon Mastery

"You picked a scythe, Lyra?" Emeric asked, his eyes lingering on the weapon in Lyra's hand. "Interesting choice..."

"Yeah, I thought it would be something different," Lyra replied, trying to sound casual despite the butterflies fluttering in her stomach at Emeric's presence. "And... someone recommended it to me."

Emeric raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Oh? Who recommended it?"

Lyra hesitated for a moment, unsure whether she should mention the figure who had spoken to her earlier. But then, she decided to keep it to herself.

"Just... someone," she replied vaguely, hoping to avoid further questioning.

"Ah, I see," Emeric said, though there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "Well, whatever the reason, I'm sure you'll do great with it."

Lyra's heart skipped a beat at his words, a warm flush spreading across her cheeks. She couldn't help but feel a surge of determination to prove herself, not just to Emeric but to herself as well.

"Thank you, Emeric," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

_____ ____ __

"So, everybody has finished choosing their weapons?" Instructor Darius asked as he faced the students.

"Yes." The students replied.

"Ok. Since the first step is done, let's move on to the next phase of our training," Instructor Darius continued, his voice carrying authority and purpose. "Today, we will begin by familiarizing ourselves with the weapons we chose and learn if they are truly fit for you."

"Alright, now, let's divide into groups based on the weapons you've chosen," he said, his voice projecting across the hall. "Those who have chosen similar weapons form one group. For example, swords one group, daggers another. Spears to another..."

The students moved to their respective groups, exchanging curious glances and nervous whispers as they awaited further instructions. 

"Now, let's begin with the basics," Instructor Darius announced, his tone firm and authoritative. "I'll demonstrate the fundamental techniques for each weapon, and then you'll have a chance to practice under my guidance."

He started with the group of sword wielders, demonstrating various strikes, parries, and footwork techniques with effortless grace and precision. The students watched in awe as he moved with fluidity and speed, his every movement a testament to his mastery of the blade.

Next, he turned his attention to the group of axe wielders, showing them how to properly grip the weapon and execute powerful swings and chops. 

Then, it was the spearmen's turn. Instructor Darius showed them how to hold the spear, thrust, and block effectively, emphasizing the importance of maintaining distance and using the weapon's reach to their advantage.

He continued on with each group, showcasing how to wield each weapon and use it efficiently and correctly. This also showcased his ability was indeed amazing.

Adrian also watched him in awe and with great focus. Since he mostly used shortswords and daggers, he knew it would be best to check if what he learned was right. Moreover, seeing new moves and techniques from Instructor Darius only fueled his determination to further improve himself.

As the demonstration came to an end, Instructor Darius turned to the students with a stern expression. "Now, it's your turn. Practice what you've just seen and try to replicate the techniques I've demonstrated. I will be watching you and help you when I see you are having trouble or struggling. Now, start."

Students lined up in front of the practice dummies and started training. While some struggled, some seemed to be getting the hang of it. While a certain group of students seemed to be bored as they had already mastered the basics of their weapons.

Adrian was also among them. He was easily able to replicate the instructor's moves and even blend them into his fighting style in just ten minutes.

Half an hour later, the class ended.

Since today was the first lesson, they were told to continue practicing their weapons. The instructor also mentioned them, they could change their weapons in the next lesson after careful consideration. But only one time.

With that, the students dispersed.

Due to the 'incident' last time, Adrian decided to wait till the others finished changing and leave. In order to spend the time efficiently, he continued practicing his swordsmanship after putting back the shortswords back in their place and picking up a sword.

But he didn't notice the professor casting a curious glance at him due to his actions.

After the students left the main hall, there were only Adrian and the instructor left.

"So, you mainly focus on close combat and proficiency in daggers or shortswords, right?" Darius muttered as he appeared beside Adrian who was swinging his sword.

He observed Adrian's movements closely as he swung the sword, noting the subtle flaws in his technique. Adrian's familiarity with short-length weapons was apparent to Darius, and Adrian's transition to a longer blade was not as smooth as it could be.

"Your grip is too tight," Darius remarked, his voice calm but authoritative. "You need to loosen your grip slightly to allow for more fluidity in your movements."

Adrian subtly nodded, adjusting his grip as instructed, and tried again. However, his movements still lacked the grace and precision that Darius was looking for.

"Your stance is too rigid," Darius continued, his eyes focused on Adrian's posture. "You need to relax your shoulders and hips, allowing for greater flexibility and mobility."

Adrian gritted his teeth in focus and remained silent, determined to improve while the instructor was giving him advice. He tried again and again, each time incorporating Darius's feedback and adjusting his technique accordingly.

Surprisingly, with each repetition, Adrian's movements became smoother and more controlled. It was as if something had clicked inside him, unlocking a newfound understanding of swordsmanship that he had never experienced before.

Darius watched in silent approval as Adrian continued to practice, his eyes betraying a hint of curiosity. There was something about Adrian's determination and perseverance that intrigued him, something that went beyond mere talent or skill.

After a while, Darius decided to break the silence. "Who taught you how to fight?" he asked suddenly, his tone casual but curious.

Adrian paused mid-swing, surprised by the question. He glanced at Darius briefly before returning his gaze to the sword in his hand. "I... learned on my own," he replied quietly, his voice tinged with a hint of reluctance.

Darius nodded in understanding, his expression thoughtful. "As I thought..." he muttered, his eyes lingering on Adrian for a moment longer before turning away. "Keep practicing. You're making good progress. However, you should rest your body as well. Or else it will be bad for yourself."