Behind The Scenes: Adrian's POV [2]

Despite Adrian's failed attempt to finish the mage off in one strike, he remained focused, his determination unwavering. The mage's injury seemed to have weakened him, but he still had several Spectral Shades at his command.

As the mage rose to his feet, surrounded by the swirling tendrils of dark Aether, Adrian braced himself for the confrontation ahead. He kept his distance, circling the mage cautiously in the dimly lit cave.

The mage's eyes locked onto Adrian's with a predatory glint. "You think you can challenge me, little one? I am beyond your comprehension."

Adrian gritted his teeth, refusing to be intimidated. "I don't care who you think you are. I'm here to stop you, no matter what it takes."

With determination fueling his every move, Adrian lunged forward, his blade slashing through the air. The mage countered with a surge of dark energy, deflecting Adrian's attack with surprising strength.