The End Of The Exploration

"Adrian, you okay?" Ardel and Ren came over after Adrian landed on the ground.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Adrian replied, his minor injuries already healed after taking a higher-grade healing potion. He still remembered Aria's words and didn't want to meet her in an injured state.

Seeing that he was only bloodied by the monsters' blood, the two sighed in relief. They then went back to where the others were - gathered around the body of the Jade Golem.

Coincidentally, Adrian and Aria's gazes landed on each other. They stared for a few seconds until Aria turned away, showing her anger.

'Crap, she knows it, right?' Adrian instantly realized she knew he was injured and didn't fully keep his promise. 'Urgh... Now this is adding more trouble...'

Thankfully, Irithel and Aurelius were there to distract them.

"So, how do we divide the loot?" Lila was the one who asked.