Aurelia's Problem

"Yeah. I just finished." Adrian replied looking at Aurelius and Ren who came over to his side while Aurelia, Irithel, and Lyra went to the registration area.

"Oh, which events did you sign up for?" Aurelius asked in a friendly tone. "You are participating in the team battles, right? We want to fight with your team. Hopefully, we will not meet till the finals."

"Yeah, or else you won't be able to get any rewards, right?" Adrian chuckled provocatively.

"Haha, the opposite, we don't want you guys to end up without a rank, that's all," Aurelius replied in a more challenging tone.

The tension between the two groups was palpable, but it was the friendly sort of rivalry that often spurred both parties to perform at their best. Adrian and Aurelius exchanged smirks, each confident in their own abilities and eager to prove themselves.