Making A Deal With Anya

Anya raised an eyebrow, her interest piqued. "A special weapon, you say? And why should I believe you about the Moonshadow Ore?"

Adrian reached into his pocket and pulled out a small fragment of ore. It looked dull and unremarkable at first glance, with a simple, almost mundane appearance. But Anya, with her keen eye for materials, immediately noticed something different about it. There was a subtle, almost imperceptible shimmer beneath its surface, hinting at the true nature of the ore.

"This is a piece of Moonshadow Ore," Adrian said, handing it to her. "It might not look like much now, but under the moonlight, it reveals its true form."

Anya took the fragment, her fingers brushing over its surface. She had heard of this ore's unique property, and holding it now, she felt a thrill of recognition. This was indeed Moonshadow Ore, no doubt about it. "Alright," she said, her skepticism melting away. "I believe you."