Aria's Light [3]

After that day, she and Adrian kept talking more and more, their daily interactions increasing. She intentionally sat near Adrian in some of the classes. 

She also saw how he helped Lyra to make a choice, how he picked a magic creature egg after searching for so long. She laughed when she saw his first day at the Survival Training Course, alas she couldn't hear his thoughts or else it would be too funny. That was also when she realized he rarely talked and kept everything inside.

But she was really worried and anxious when they were attacked by dark spirits or whatever they were. Her heart skipped a beat when he nearly died in the fight against the dark mage. She asked herself why he risked his life. Couldn't he bring help? 

Then a few days later, they were divided into teams, she wanted to be on the same team as him but it seemed her luck had run out that time. But her luck returned in the practical test. She worked in his team, together.