Crack In The Light

The woman from Valerian Hall wasn't present today, not to mention last week, but Aria could picture her face clearly in her mind. Soon, very soon, she would begin her investigation. The summer break would provide the perfect opportunity.

Principal's voice drew her attention back to the present: "And now, as we prepare to present the certifications to our graduating class, I am reminded of something essential about magic itself. Like the elements we bend to our will, life too is about transformation. Today, you transform from students into full-fledged Awakeners. But remember—the greatest transformations often come not from the spells we cast, but from the choices we make and the courage we show in the darkest of times..."

The ceremony continued, but in Aria's mind, plans were already forming. Two and a half months of summer break stretched ahead of her—time she would use to uncover the truth, no matter where it led her.