Chapter 821: Did Uncle Scold You Just Now?

Mu Ziying was really lucky, innocent yet happy.

She was so lucky that even Baili Xia almost began to feel envious and jealous.

In contrast, she was younger than Mu Ziying, but why did she have to experience so much?

Couldn't she also live openly and happily like Mu Ziying?

Even without much money and a luxurious material life, simplicity itself was a form of happiness.

Why had fate arranged for her to meet Uncle?

No, she should ask, why did Uncle pick her out from the crowd?

What exactly was he planning? What did he want to use her for?

Could all of this just leave her alone, as she was just an ordinary girl?

So ordinary, couldn't she be allowed to live an ordinary life?

"Xiaxia, what's wrong with you? Why do you look so down?"

The bustling seaside market, previously teeming with people, had made way for a group of strikingly handsome men and beautiful women, allowing them to move unhindered in the otherwise crowded space.