Chapter 371 Finally Moved Heart_1

"As long as you tell me about her condition, this money is yours."

Ma Qing stared at the check, uncertain of the other party's intentions.

"Who are you really?"

"Don't worry about who I am, knowing too much won't do you any good. You just need to tell me about her condition, and the money is yours. Two million in exchange for a piece of information, it's a good deal."

Ma Qing remained silent, unsure whether the other party had good or bad intentions.

Xu Man smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm not asking you to do anything wrong, I just want to know about Jian Yufei's condition, whether she has a mental illness? You just tell me that much, the rest doesn't concern you."

"I'm sorry, but I have a duty to protect my patients' privacy."

"Miss Ma, it's just you and me here, I won't rat you out. If you tell me about her condition, you can get two million, which is more than you'd earn from several hard-working years. This kind of opportunity is rare, if you're smart, you'd seize it."