Chapter 511: Jian Yufei, You Stop Right There!_1

Ruan Tianling's eyes were sharp as a knife, a sinister smirk tugged at his lips: "Who the hell are you?"

Seeing their actions through the back window, Jian Yufei paled with shock.

They surprisingly had guns. The fact that Ruan Tianling had one did not astound her as much as knowing that Xiao Lang possessed one did.

Could it be that rich folks carry guns around at all times for self-defense?

Worried they might accidentally discharge their guns, Jian Yufei hurriedly said to Di Sheng: "Quickly unlock the door and let me out. I presume the last thing you want is to see your young master get hurt."

Hesitating for a moment, Di Sheng unlocked the central control and was the first to step out of the car. With large strides, he walked up front, pulled out his gun and pointed it at Ruan Tianling.

In a face-off two against one, Ruan Tianling stood no chance of winning.

Jian Yufei ran out, stood aside not daring to move a muscle: "What the hell are you guys doing? Put the guns down now!"