Chapter 904: Must Go Out Today

"We're not! Can't you see that your father hates me?"

"He just wanted to use me. Now that he has gotten the shares, I'm no longer of any value to him!" Jian Yufei angrily retorted.

Xiao Lang shook his head, "He doesn't hate you... He hates your father for being deceived by Ruan Anguo in the past, for transferring the shares to him... Yufei, there's no reason for me to lie to you, you have to believe me, truly!"

Jian Yufei stared at him, but couldn't bring herself to believe what he was saying.

She only believed her grandfather's words, for his words were the truth.

What Xiao Zibin had told her was all false.

"Xiao Lang, perhaps your father is deceiving you as well."

Xiao Lang was shaken, "Impossible."

Jian Yufei bit her lip and said nothing more, "Please leave, I need some peace alone."

Xiao Lang also became quiet.

"Aren't you going to eat something?"

"I'm not hungry!" Jian Yufei coldly refused.