To ruin her innocence

Magnus ran his tongue over his lips, savoring the lingering, heavenly sweetness of Alora's blood that remained in his mouth. The restraint he usually held over himself had vanished the instant he drank from her. Now, he understood why his instincts warned against consuming her blood.

"I crave more blood," Magnus admitted, his gaze fixed on the unconscious form of Alora. Shaking his head, he recognized the perilous path he was on. If he drank more from her today, Alora would definitely meet her demise. 

He ran his fingers through his soft tresses and walked out of the chamber. Finding Cecilia outside, Magnus asked her to inform him once Alora woke up. As he stepped forward, Cecilia requested, "Your Highness, please send away Miss Alora. She should not stay with us." 

"Cecilia, do what you are asked to do," Magnus coldly said and left her sight.

Upon reaching the sitting area in his lavish chamber, his eyes fell on Gabriel who immediately stood up from his seat. 

"Greetings to Your Highness." Gabriel bowed at him and took the seats only after Magnus. 

"How could a werewolf enter the western border region? An entire human caravan was attacked and there was no one around to save them. What manner of security protocols do you oversee at the Elmswood borders?" Magnus interrogated him, his tone stern and his voice laden with anger.

"The caravan was attacked in the middle of the forest, Your Highness. It was impossible for any aid to be present at such an hour," Gabriel explained. "I will give a detailed investigation report to His Highness by the evening," he assured Magnus. 

"What I need right now is an explanation of how a werewolf entered the territory where their entry is banned!?" Magnus questioned him. He didn't care about any report.

"That's what we are investigating, Your Highness," Gabriel said. 

"Very well. Be ready to die in the most brutal way if you don't give me a clear answer in the evening," Magnus pronounced as he glared into his eyes. 

Gabriel gulped and reassured the Vampire Prince he would come with an answer. 

Magnus signaled to him to leave. Gabriel wasn't late to follow the command and left.

"The werewolves are well aware of their boundaries. According to Alora too, there was a werewolf, who killed everyone with her," Magnus murmured and contemplated. 

"Your Highness, pardon me for intruding in your thoughts," Tobias said, bringing the Vampire Prince's attention to him. "A message has come from your elder brother." He forwarded the parchment to Magnus. 

Magnus read the message and drew his brows close. He kept it on the table and clasped his hands together. Tobias found something serious was going on. But since Magnus didn't share it with him, he remained quiet. 

"Your Highness, I want you to think again regarding Miss Alora's stay in the palace," Tobias requested. "Everyone in the palace is scared of Miss Alora now," he added. 

"Sadly, you all have to live in fear. I'm not sending Alora anywhere. She's the source of my food. Moreover, Alora knows how to live around you all. So, don't be worried," Magnus stated. He couldn't ignore how Alora pleaded with him to keep her with him. For a long time, he never found an interesting person like Alora. 

"What if she accidentally kills one of us?" Tobias asked. 

Alora, who had come to the seating area of the prince's chamber with Cecilia with her blindfold on, after waking up, overheard Tobias' conversation with Magnus. 

"I don't care," Magnus said. "Alora, don't stand at the door and come inside," he loudly said. Her divine blood scent was enough for Magnus to learn of her presence. 

Cecilia helped Alora in walking inside and made her sit on the chaise upon Magnus' instructions. 

"Set the meals for Alora. Quick," Magnus commanded. Tobias and Cecilia left shortly. 

Alora decided not to remove her blindfold when her head was lifted. Magnus' cold fingers touched her neck and stroked the spot where he bit her. The marks of his fangs were embedded on her skin. 

Using his other hand, Magnus removed the blindfold from her eyes and met her gaze. 

"How do you feel?" Magnus asked. 

"I feel dizzy," Alora truthfully answered. 

"Hmm. I won't drink from you anymore and you won't ask me to drink your blood if you want to live with me? Do you understand?" Magnus inquired. 

Alora was puzzled to hear his demand. She simply nodded, accepting what he wanted. The coldness suddenly disappeared from her neck as Magnus withdrew his hand. 

"You called my name when I drank from you," Magnus suddenly revealed to her and in a swift motion, he returned to his seat. 

Alora's eyes widened and she immediately apologized. She had no idea how it happened and asked him to forgive her. 

Magnus smiled a little but didn't say anything. 

"Your Highness, the others are scared of me. I won't take off my blindfold in front of them. I don't know how to give this assurance to them. But I have always been careful." Her voice clearly showed she didn't wish to go away from Magnus. Humans would run away from a vampire, but she was doing the opposite. 

Magnus sensed the desperation to be with him. Never once did anyone show interest to stay close to him. 

"What will you give me to make their mouths shut?" Magnus asked. "I'm not going to feed on your blood, so I need something else from you," he proclaimed. 

"What can I give to Your Highness?" Alora questioned. "Oh, I am good at cleaning. I can daily clean his chamber," she innocently murmured. 

Magnus smiled to hear her words. "How old are you?" he asked. 

"I am twenty-four, Your Highness," Alora answered. 

"Then, why are you so naive?" Magnus asked. 

"Huh?" Alora was confused to hear him. "Why doesn't His Highness tell me what he wants from me? I'll do anything he will ask me to," she opined. 

Magnus amusedly glanced at her. He didn't wish to ruin her innocence. "I suppose your father will soon find out about his daughter's disappearance. Will you not return to your family if he comes in search of you in Elmswood?" He queried.


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