Please, forgive me

Rhea pivoted to glance at Venus. "Your sister was attacked last night. Don't you care for her?" she questioned her second daughter. 

"Alora is alive. What's there to worry? I am sure she escaped the death because of her eyes. Mother, I'll be wedded off within a week. Don't ruin anything because of Alora," Venus requested and left her sight. 

Lady Aubrey reprimanded Rhea for upsetting Venus. She told Norman to send some servant with Odin and she too, walked away. 

Rhea's eyes filled with tears and with her last hopes, she glanced at her husband, Norman. He was the father of Alora, their first daughter, so he would not ignore Alora like this. It was only about a day and they could return. 

However, her last hope was also shattered as Norman decided to send a servant with Odin. "Take her to the old residence," Norman ordered the servant and gazed at Odin. 

"Then, I must take my leave," Odin said and went out, followed by the servant. 

"Have you not heard about the Vampire Prince Magnus?" Rhea wanted to know if Norman even ever loved Alora. 

"Even Prince Magnus is scared of her," Norman said. "That's why she's alive in his palace," he stated and glanced at his wife. "After Venus's marriage, you can go and check on Alora," he suggested. He excused himself since he had a few works to finish. 

Tears streamed down Rhea's cheeks. No one cared for Alora. They all hated her. "Forgive your mother, Alora. I'll come to you once Venus is married. I know you'll understand my compulsion to be here," she murmured while sobbing. Her heart ached with the thought that Alora was being punished by everyone for no reason. She was such a beautiful and obedient child, but nobody in the family loved her. 

Wiping the tears from her the back of her palm, Rhea went inside. She went to Venus's room and walked in. 

Venus looked extremely delighted to see the jewelry that had come from her in-law's house. She even checked them on with the help of her personal attendant. 

"Mother, see how pretty this looks on me," Venus remarked as she saw Rhea's reflection in the mirror. 

"It is," Rhea said with a smile, but her entire focus was now on Alora. 

"Mother, don't be upset because of Alora. Look how everything turned good after she left. Her curse badly affected our lives. Grandma is absolutely right. She is a cursed witch. You have me and Elliot too. At least, unlike Alora, we aren't fully dependent on you," Venus muttered while rolling her eyes. 

"Don't call your sister a cursed witch. Next time you do and I've to teach you the manners," Rhea suddenly shouted at her before leaving the room. 


Alora stared at the ceiling while tapping her fingers on the back of her other palm. "Why is Prince Magnus not back yet?" she murmured to herself. The dinner hour was approaching, but Magnus had still not arrived. 

She sat up and got her feet on the floor. She wore the sandals and then put on the blindfold. Alora then called for Cecilia, who was present outside the bedroom, and entered the room with her eyes low. 

"Did His Highness return?" Alora asked.

"Not now, Miss Alora," Cecilia answered. "The Vampire Prince usually returns late. I'm sure he had been drinking someone's blood since it's necessary to keep up with his strength," she explained to Alora. 

"Oh." Alora contemplated why Magnus had to go out for blood. Was she too weak to provide him the blood? She truly wanted to let him drink her blood since Magnus helped her a lot. 

"Why doesn't Miss Alora request His Highness to send you back? Your family must be worried for you. I heard from the Head Chamberlain that the humans with you were brutally murdered." Cecilia made her remember the memory of the last night. 

Alora didn't comment on that and remained silent. 

Cecilia wished Alora should go on her own from the palace. It was impossible to work around her without being feared. So, these were some of the few ways that she could use to make Alora feel guilty and leave. 

"Miss Alora can tell His Highness how she wishes to return to her family. He will readily agree to it since keeping a human around hasn't happened before," Cecilia explained to her. 

"I'm sorry for providing inconvenience to you. I'll ask His Highness not to let anyone in my assistance. You don't have to be scared of me," Alora stated in her humble tone. 

Cecilia sensed that Alora had no intention to leave the palace. But why? 

"The Prince has returned," informed another servant, who brought an instant smile to Alora's lips. She was excited to see him. Extending her hand out, she took slow, deliberate steps. By now, she knew in what direction the door was, so it wasn't difficult for her to walk toward it. 

Cecilia went behind her since Alora should not get hurt in any way or Magnus would kill her. She held Alora's arm gently and told her she would take her to the Prince's chamber. 

Alora looked excited and thanked her for the help. Soon, they were in the prince's chamber and Cecilia took her leave. 

"What is Miss Alora doing here?" Tobias' voice fell into her ears, which was new to her. 

"I came to see His Highness the Vampire Prince," Alora replied. 

"He will rest for some time. The day was loaded with work for the prince," Tobias humbly informed her. 


Tobias left first while Alora opened her blindfold. She decided to greet the prince once and then leave for her place. Alora went ahead in search of Magnus and ended up reaching his bedroom. 

It was the grandest bedroom she had ever seen. Stepping ahead, Alora's feet jammed on the floor as she saw sight of Magnus undressing. Her eyes widened when the Vampire Prince turned to her and their eyes met. 

"Please, forgive me," Alora promptly turned around and decided to run out of the bedroom.