You'll regret this, Brother

"Dear Alora, 

I heard you have married to Prince Magnus. A day will come when you'll be the reason for his death. I hope you leave him soon."

"Your Highness, this message shows that your life has fallen into danger," Tobias said with a worried glance.

"Why did this person send a message to Alora? She cannot read and it is easy to learn because no one could go near her. This message was meant for me, not her," Magnus stated.

"I will tell about this to the respected King and the Queen," Tobias said, thinking Magnus might then think of throwing away Alora from his life. 

"You won't," Magnus asserted and put the scroll into the bottom drawer of his study desk before locking it. 

"I don't get why His Highness is so adamant about having Princess Alora in his life. Suddenly, Prince Magnus has changed completely. He was never bothered about anyone," Tobias argued. He was worried for Magnus's life.