Your imagination is wild

Alora's eyes welled up in tears to hear what Magnus said to her. She hugged him tightly while shutting her eyes close. 

"Are you crying?" Magnus asked, his hand moved to her back, caressing it. However, she shook her head. Her warm tears trailed off her cheeks and the teardrops touched his cold skin. He gently pushed her away. 

"I didn't scold you, then why do you cry?" His thumbs moved to her cheeks as he wiped those tears. 

"Only Prince Magnus depicts the different meaning of my eyes." From the back of her palm, she wiped the tears from her eyes. "I thought vampires were emotionless. They don't understand humans. But I was so wrong. Even the humans couldn't understand me. However, His Highness does. I'm grateful to have him as my husband." Her eyes were still misty, and her nose turned red.