Alora's parental home

After breakfast, Alora headed outside the residence with Magnus. As she settled inside the coach, she removed the blindfold from her eyes. Keeping it on her lap, she waited for the carriage to move ahead. 

"Magnus, why do you fight with your siblings? Brother Izaak isn't a bad person. But you portray him as one. Earlier what you said to him was harsh," Alora wanted Magnus to make his relationship better with both Lillian and Izaak. 

"He scared you last night by telling you how I kill humans once my hunger for blood increases. Lillian, on the other hand, just shows how much she despises you, which makes me angry. If I won't take a stand for you, then who will," Magnus explained his stance on being harsher on his two siblings. He told her how Alaric always understood him even though they had communicated so less with each other.