Stop showing your concern for me

As the carriage halted outside the Duke's residence, the guard opened the door for them. Magnus was the first to step out, followed by Alora. The other guard rushed in to inform Duke Benedict about the Vampire prince's presence while the first one led their way inside. 

Benedict was quick to go out and meet with them. While Alora kept her head low, Magnus and Benedict exchanged greetings with each other. 

"We are here on the report of the disappearance of Venus," Magnus stated. 

"Please come inside and then, we can talk about it," Benedict said. 

"Hmm." They both followed the Duke inside his residence and made their way to the large living room. After they sat down, Alora asked about Eugene. 

"My son has gone out to find Venus. This is such a disturbing fact for all of us. We considered Venus as our child and she ran away," commented Lady Eloise, Venus's mother-in-law as she entered the living room.