I lost my interest

Alora swiftly moved away from Magnus as she sat on the ground while stroking her hair. "Did Louis see us?" She asked as she didn't raise her head. "Your Highness, please sit up. You cannot lay like that," she tapped on his hand. 

Magnus leisurely rested his weight on his elbow before sitting up close to her. His right knee remained in the air while the left one lay flatly against the ground. 

"Alora," Magnus called out her name. 

"Huh?" She tilted her head when he promptly kissed her lips. 

"Louis saw us. What will you do now?" He amusedly teased her. 

"You are shameless," Alora retorted and raised her eyes while squinting her eyes to look for Louis. To her surprise, she couldn't get his sight. "Did you lie to me?" She complained, realizing how Magnus deceived her. 

Before she could rise, Magnus draped his arm over her shoulder and rested his chin on her other shoulder, drawing her close.