Ralph's threat to Venus

Venus was seated in the garden of her house, alone, in the middle of the night. She was unable to sleep and thought about staying under the night sky for a while. During the day when she went with her mother to the market, she heard two women talking about her. 

"What a shameless child! How can she come with her face straight to the market?" 

These sentences were repeated in her head continuously, becoming the reason for her distress. 

As Venus stood up from her place, she felt the presence of someone around her. Turning her eyes around, Venus found none. She was a bit scared and ran toward the house in fear. Her feet stopped to see a figure resting against one of the porch's pillars. 

Venus slowly lifted her head, she forgot to breathe and she stopped blinking. In front of standing an alpha, whom she knew after Eugene introduced her to him. 

"What are you doing here, Ralph?" Venus asked. She felt her throat getting drier.