My wife is magical

Alaric couldn't see the tears in Ember's eyes. Though it was against the rules to go against the witch's curse, for Ember's happiness he would defy any rule or even any law. 

"Mrs. Langford, I will save your husband." He was quick to rise to his feet and forwarded a handkerchief to her. "Please wipe your tears," he said.

Ember thanked him as she took the handkerchief from him. She wiped her tears with it and saw Alaric settle back on his seat. 

"I'll see Mrs. Langford tomorrow. Jasper, please escort her back safely," Alaric instructed. Ember stood up from her place and bowed to him, thanking him one more time. She left with Jasper while Alaric decided to talk with Izaak about this. 

He knew Izaak would reprimand him, but for Ember's happiness, he needed to get the cure. Going back to his study, Alaric couldn't focus on the work. Slumping back into the chair, Alaric felt that he should have gone with Ember to her home.