Making her heart pound

"What's wrong, Venus?" Alora inquired as she entered her sister's room. "You left the living room. Here, I brought some cookies for you. They used to be your favorite, if I recall correctly," she mentioned, placing the cookies before her sister. 

Venus watched as Alora sat before her, picking up one of the cookies. "Open your mouth," Alora instructed her younger sister gently.

"Open your mouth," Alora told her younger sister. 

Venus didn't do that. Her eyes turned misty and she lowered them. "Don't you hate me?" she then asked. "Every day I think about what I did to you, Alora. I don't feel like living anymore," she truthfully told Alora, tears rolling down her cheeks. 

Alora's heart broke to see the condition of her sister. She lifted Venus's face and wiped the tears from her cheeks. "Don't say that. You have already repented enough. Please don't cry," she said in a low tone.