In need of a servant

"Your Highness, the young lady has returned," Zerah announced, opening the door with a resounding thud. Startled from his deep slumber, Izaak jerked awake, momentarily disoriented. 

"What? What did you say?" he mumbled, rubbing his eyes as he tried to gather his bearings.

Zerah repeated the same words and Izaak was quick to step out of the carriage. "Stay here. When I signal, then bring the items to her house," he instructed Zerah and walked ahead. 

Izaak finally reached the front of Melody's small house and walked in. He saw one lamp glowing outside the hut, making the path visible. He halted before the door and knocked on it. 

A minute later, Melody opened the door and was shocked to see the prince standing before her. "Your Highness!" she exclaimed in surprise. She was so captivated by his red-golden eyes that she forgot to ask why he was there.

"Will you not welcome me inside?" Izaak asked, bringing her out of the trance.