Kingdom of Galdoria

Magnus made his way back to the chamber after having a conversation with his brothers. However, outside he encountered Odin, who bowed to him. 

"You're here? I assumed–" Magnus began, his sentence hanging unfinished as he sensed a familiar aura. "Has Venus come?" He questioned.

"Yes, Your Highness," Odin confirmed, his voice steady. "She has come to inquire about your well-being and expressed a desire to meet Princess Alora," he elaborated.

"Are you perhaps belittling Venus?" Magnus probed as he read a particular thought of Odin. 

"Well, Your Highness–"

"There's no need to belittle her. If Alora were to discover this, her wrath would be directed at me. I cannot bear the sight of her upset countenance. Venus is in the midst of change," he asserted, cautioning Odin to tread lightly with his choice of words.

"I understand, Your Highness," Odin answered. "How is His Highness now? Turned out Rubin created a lot of troubles for him," he added.