Izaak's Past 3

"You got married?" Magnus arched his brows, a mix of surprise and curiosity playing on his face as he met Izaak for the first time in six months since returning to Velaris.

Izaak's expression turned into an annoying one. "Are you here to rub salt on my wounds? Why didn't you attend my wedding?"

Magnus crossed his legs as he rested casually on the chair. "I wasn't in the kingdom, remember? You could've waited for your youngest brother to return. But no, you rushed into marriage. Why so soon?" He shook his head, his annoyance barely concealed. "You, of all people, are notoriously hard to please."

Izaak chuckled, a grin spreading across his face. "That's more like you, Magnus. Me? My heart has always been quick to fall for a woman. Arabella was the one. She went out of her way to win my heart." His grin widened mischievously as he added, "And then, we spent a night together. I felt I should marry her because I don't sleep with a woman for fun."