The legend Ben Faulkner

'This bum is the legendary Ben Faulkner? Has the guildmaster accidentally sent me after the wrong guy?' Smith wondered as he trailed Leo and Ben silently from a distance.

Smith was a trained assassin belonging to the night guild and had carried out many important missions for the guild uptil now.

While he was not a part of the top management of the guild, he was not considered a rookie either as he commanded a position of respect within the guild because of his impressive track record of never missing his prey.

Today, the guildmaster had sent him to kill a small fledgling who was Ben Faulkner's disciple, however, while Smith thought that this would be a challenging mission with him clashing daggers with the legendary Ben Faulkner, he was disappointed to see how lax and unrefined the legendary assassin was.

' Ain't no way this fatso is Ben Faulkner, the guild must be mistaken.