Tough Negotiations

"If you cannot provide us with the OakHill barony, which other domain might you be willing to cede, Duke James? We have little interest in military engagements and would significantly prefer administrative responsibilities," Cervantez conceded, a hint of resignation in his voice as he acknowledged that their top priority, the Oakhill Barony, was currently out of reach.

"Why this fixation on administrative duties? I fail to comprehend your motives," Duke Jerome interjected, his brow furrowed in confusion. "If it is wealth you are after, I could offer each member of your guild a substantial salary, far surpassing what you might accumulate through bureaucratic roles, and spare you the myriad complexities that accompany such positions."

"May I interject, Duke?" Luke interposed, bridging the conversation between Duke James of the West and Cervantez with a respectful tone.