An Ideal Leader

( Real world, Sector S, Cervantez's home )

As he did often, Cervantez booked Luke for a massage session in sector S for the work day, however, instead of actually getting a massage, he discussed Luke's upcoming finals match with 'TheBoss' instead.

"I'm extremely ashamed man…. As the guildmaster I couldn't even make it to the finals, while you did as the vice guildmaster.

I'm sort of supposed to be the strongest around here" Cervantez candidly admitted, as Luke immediately shook his head in denial.

"It's not about you being stronger or weaker than me. If I met 'TheBoss' in the round of 64, I'd be eliminated then…. That guy's simply too strong" Luke said, as he tried to cheer Cervantez back up with sound logic.

"I know… that guy's just unplayable…. I still don't know how he managed to copy my best move" Cervantez said, placing his head in his palms as he looked visibly tired from trying to figure out how The Boss pulled it off.