Recruitment Drive (2)

( The DarkSky Guild )

With only one hour left till the gaming hours for the day concluded, Cervantez closed all interviews for the day, concluding the guild recruitment operations for the day.

After the first day, the DarkSky guild managed to recruit

254 Mages

430 Swordsmen

120 Knight's

12 Healers

65 Barbarians

42 Archers

12 Blacksmiths

10 Runic Inscriptors


Two special class players that Cervantez recognised from his past life.

Overall, the average level of the players that the guild accepted was around 60-80, which was pretty high considering that the top rankers currently apart from The Boss was near the 120-130 level range.

Of the two special class players that the guild recruited, one possessed the special class 'Path Finder' who had the class special ability [ Locate Path ] at his disposal.