The Ghost's Progress

( Jacob's POV )

Compared to the veteran players who constantly faced new and unforeseen challenges, the new batch of players in Terra Nova enjoyed the advantage of having future knowledge.

Since the system evaluation for new players followed the same pattern as the old ones, the new players already knew exactly what to focus on and what to avoid from the start of their gaming careers for best possible evaluations.

Armed with the knowledge that skills learned from skill-scrolls did not transfer to real life, the newbies avoided learning skills from the skill scrolls, to not make the same mistakes as the veterans.

From the outset, they focused on naturally learning in-game skills and building their social reputation, as they already had prior knowledge about the third evaluation criteria, which was going to be 'Legacy'.

In just two short months, the average level of the newbies rose to 40, with the better players already being in the high 80s.