Unexpected Visitors

( Real World, The Arc Ship )

As Leo logged out of the game, he lazily got off his bed and began scratching his bum as he made his way towards the apartment kitchen.

Never in his wildest dreams did Leo expect that he was going to have unexpected guests over in his apartment—let alone that those guests would be the alien operators.

"Woah, woah, woah!" Leo said, sounding shocked, as he did not expect to see elves with pointy ears in real life.

"Mr.Skyshard, please have a seat–" said one of the two elves seated on his apartment dining table, as Leo cautiously took a seat across from them.

Looking at their pointy ears, pale white skin and almost in-human-like sleek facial shape, Leo had no doubt in his mind that the beings that he was talking to were aliens, however, he had no idea as to why they were here this morning.