The importance of power

"So, all that brings me to now..." Leo said, as after recounting his entire journey as a player, he finally arrived at the part where he could share his knowledge of the future with Luke.

"As you already know, our real life physiques are connected to our in-game characters.

So once we become a 'Master' level fighter in-game, we apparently get the status of a 'Master' in real life" Leo said, as he flashed his snake badge to Luke.

"This is a token of a Master, this token apparently puts you above the status of a common man on planet Terra Nova…. It's kind of like a citizenship upgrade.

Warriors who haven't made it to the 'Master' realm are considered commoners and have no civil rights.

While Warrior's who have made it enjoy some special privileges, one of which is that they cannot be monitored by an ankle monitor.