The Men's Talk.

(A few days later, The VIP manor)


Leo and Luke stood overlooking the new construction taking place in their mansion, as they surveyed the work of the Arc Ship Staff.

"You shouldn't have spent all your MP points on doing something so stupid brother, those MP might have proved to be useful for you after you land—" Leo muttered, as Luke only ruffled his hair lovingly in response.

"I can always make more MP, but I can't bring back lost time. With this new phone line extended to our mansion, you can call mom daily while on house arrest.

I'm sure it will make both of you feel better" Luke said, as Leo fell silent at his words.

After finding out about his house arrest, Luke had spent all his MP to drag a phone line to their mansion, so that Leo could talk to their mother these next few months to their heart's content.

"Brother, my future once we land on Terra Nova does not look so good.