Mine To Lose

While Kimberly waited for Melvin to show up, she supervised the cleaners as they organized his bedroom while the chefs prepared dinner for the both of them, even though she doubted he was going to want to share a table with her.

Once they were done, she returned to her bedroom to freshen up and await his arrival, but before she could do that, Star's call came in.

Kimberly drew a deep breath as she received the call, knowing that Star wasn't going to like what she had done.

"Congrats, girl! Why didn't you tell me that Melvin changed his mind? How did you manage to convince him?" Star asked excitedly, thinking that Melvin had released the news.

Kimberly shut her eyes, "He didn't."

"He didn't what?" Star asked in confusion.

"He didn't change his mind," Kimberly said, and Star frowned.

"He didn't change his mind? Then why is the news…. Wait a second, don't tell me you are behind the news, and you released it without his consent?" Star asked in disbelief.

"I did…."

"Why did you have to go to such an extent?" Star yelled, not liking where everything was going.

"Calm down, Star. There was no other way. I had to do this...."

"How are you sure doing this would get him to marry you? This is, in fact, going to strengthen his resolve about not wanting to marry you," Star cut in reasonably, and Kimberly sighed.

"If you think about it, he kept releasing news about our relationship all these years without my consent, so why can't I take it a notch further?" Kimberly asked, and Star shook her head.

"Has he reacted yet? Has he called to confront you?" Star asked, knowing that Melvin wouldn't take it lightly with her.

"I'm counting on him confronting me physically, not over the phone. If he does show up, I'm going to do whatever it takes to keep him here, even if it means tying him and locking him up in a room here for the next one year," Kimberly said, and Star didn't know whether to be amused or infuriated.

"I really think you are going too far, Kim. And at this rate, I won't fault him if he decides to have you arrested…."

"I'm going to have to call you back. He is here," Kimberly said excitedly when she heard Melvin roar her name.

Although she had not freshened up yet as planned, Kimberly let down her hair, which was tied in a rough bun, and combed her fingers through it as she hurried out of her bedroom to face him.

"What did you do that for? And you better not play dumb with me," Melvin snapped as he watched Kimberly descend the stairs.

"You know fully well why I had to do that. You are the one playing dumb with me right now," Kimberly said in a calm voice.

"Didn't I make it clear to you that I don't want to have anything to do with you?" Melvin asked angrily, and Kimberly shrugged.

"You did. I know all you said, but....."

"But just like three years ago, you don't care about what releasing such news would do to me or how it would affect me negatively if we don't get married!" Melvin said hotly, and Kimberly shook her head.

Melvin detested being caught off guard, and Kimberly's actions had done just that.

"I do care, and that's why we should get married so that you won't be affected negatively..."

"Are you out of your mind?" Melvin asked, feeling both irritated and frustrated by her calmness.

"Maybe I am. I don't know. But what about you? How can you be so willing to lose your mom's house…."

"It is mine to lose, and I don't want it if my having it is tied to you! Do you think I don't know what this is? You connived with my mother to force yourself on me even after she was gone. I don't want you, and I will never want you. Don't you get it?" Melvin asked, and Kimberly looked at him incredulously.

"I'm forcing myself on you? You must think that you're such a catch," Kimberly said with an amused smile that belied her annoyance.

She knew she shouldn't be getting angry since she needed him to listen to her, but she couldn't help feeling offended by his statement about never wanting her.

Melvin glared at her, "I don't want you…."

"You should have thought of that before leading the public to believe we were in a relationship all these years. Did you stop for a moment to think about what that would do to my reputation? What if I had a boyfriend, and my relationship got ruined because of you? I don't want you either, Melvin Craig. There is absolutely nothing desirable about you," Kimberly said, and Melvin opened his mouth to argue and shut it back.

"I only told the press we were still together because my mom insisted I don't end things…."

"And I'm only doing this because YOUR mom insisted we live together under this roof in order to inherit the house. The house might not be a big deal to you, but it is to me," Kimberly said firmly with her hands folded in front of her.

"And let's get something straight here, you stand to gain a lot more from marriage with me than I have to gain. You get a wife who is already recognized by both your mother and the public as your girlfriend. One who will be willing to let you do as you please and divorce you the moment you get what you want. And we both get to live under this roof, and you get to keep your share of your mom's mansion. So, you should be thankful that I'm offering you such a deal in the first place instead of being so ungrateful," she snapped at him this time, and Melvin looked at her in disbelief.

"Ungrateful? What should I be grateful for? That you released such news without my knowledge or that someone I don't even like is asking to get married to me?" Melvin asked, and this time, Kimberly shrugged.

She was tired of asking nicely now. She was going to resort to blackmail if that was what would set him straight.

"Fine. You know what? I withdraw my offer. I'm going to go live on Instagram and let them know we are not in a relationship and you've only been using me for years to rebrand yourself. I will tell them the engagement is not real, and I lied," Kimberly threatened, and Melvin glared at her.