No Way!

Melvin, who was now possessing Kimberly's body, hurried over to her side to catch her so she wouldn't hit his body on the floor but he wasn't quick enough.

He scowled as he watched his body lying unconscious on the floor. As much as he understood her shock, since he was equally shocked, he didn't expect her to faint that way.

Couldn't she at least have fainted on the bed? How could she treat his body that way? What if she had hurt his body? He mused in annoyance.

He tried to lift her off the floor, but he just couldn't. His body was too big for her frail body to be able to raise him.

There was certainly no way he could call for help since the last thing he wanted was for anyone to get wind of this uncomfortable and embarrassing situation.

Not knowing what to do, Melvin's gaze fell on a bottle of water by his bedside, and he quickly picked it up and poured it on Kimberly's face.