Unfunny Joke

After staring at each other for a moment and the initial shock had worn off, they both burst into uncontrollable laughter. They laughed so hard that they drew the attention of other patrons and Ruby had tears running down her face.

"This is so goddamn hilarious!" Ruby laughed as she wiped her cheeks and they both sat down.

Seeing the surprise on Stefan's face earlier, Ruby knew that just like her, Stefan knew nothing about the arrangement so she couldn't blame him for showing up there innocently for a business meeting.

She doubted he would have spent so much time making fun of her had he known that they were in a similar situation.

"It's a very unfunny joke," Stefan said with a shake of his head.

"At least I'm better than you. I knew I was here for a blind date, but you came here thinking you were going to meet a business partner," Ruby said with a giggle.

"What should we do now?" Stefan asked and Ruby shrugged.