Construction Workers

After the meetings of the day, what was left on Melvin's schedule was the visit to the construction site where the latest company's estate project was beginning to take shape.

The sun hung low in the sky as Peter drove Melvin and Kimberly to the site. Peter always went with Melvin on such inspections, so it would be weird not to take Peter along with him.

As they approached the site, Kimberly marveled at the skeletal structure that would soon transform into a luxurious condominium.

However, as they got closer, the sight that greeted them was not one of harmony. The air buzzed with tension. A group of construction workers, clad in hardhats and reflective vests, had gathered near the entrance, their faces etched with frustration and weariness and their disgruntled voices rising like distant thunder. Banners and placards declared their discontent with the treatment they were receiving from the management.