Haughty Melvin

Star laughed at Kimberly's joke, "Very funny. As if that haughty Melvin would bother to receive your call."

"Melvin isn't haughty, please desist from calling him names," Melvin said irritably and Kimberly cleared her throat.

"I hate to interrupt your pleasant conversation, Star, but Kim and I are busy right now, so she will return your call," Kimberly said surprising Star who had not expected them to be together at that time.

"Oh! Hello, Melvin! The phone wasn't on speaker, right? I was just telling Kimberly how lucky she is to have you…."

"It was on speaker," Kimberly said, amused that Star was feeling flustered at the thought that Melvin might have heard her.

"Alright. Talk to you later, Kim," Star said before quickly hanging up.

"Your sister had quite a lot to say about me," Melvin said, glaring at her.

"That's what you get for not ending the call when you should have, Mr. Grumpy," Kimberly said with a giggle.