Not A Big Deal

Although Stefan had signed the agreement now, he still couldn't help the feeling of unease and conflict within himself.

He was still contemplating his decision, questioning if he had only agreed to comply with his parents' unreasonable demand because he was caught up in the heat of the moment.

Despite his love and close friendship with Ruby, and in spite of the fact that they had slept over at each other's houses on several occasions and even slept on the same bed, the thought of doing this for a year with her made him feel trapped and powerless. Not to talk of his concern that this could put a strain on their friendship.

Stefan, however, found some consolation in the fact that he would be able to leave his parents' home in a year and have a life free of parental interference. He reasoned that if the price he had to pay for his total freedom was to live with Ruby, then he would do it.