Drama King

As Stefan drove them home, he turned to look at Ruby who seemed busy with her phone, "Why did you tell them we made such a bet? You could have discussed it with me first," Stefan said, and Ruby looked up from her phone.

"It was a spur-of-the-moment thing and I also thought it would be easier to say that, so Nath wouldn't bother reserving ladies for you like he did today. Doesn't it make things easier for us now?" Ruby asked, and Stefan sighed.

"I guess it does," he said before returning his attention to the road.

"So? How did it go with Melvin? What did he say?" Ruby asked curiously.

"I don't think Melvin is in love with her as you thought. He seems to be trying to make things look real enough to the public considering the fact that everyone thinks they've been dating for all these years," Stefan said, and Ruby nodded.

"Yeah. I got that much from her too. Although I feel sort of sorry for her," Ruby said, and Stefan raised a brow.