My Erec?

"Would you rather spend the rest of your life with your enemy or a total stranger than with your best friend? Take it from me, Stef, there is no better fit. She knows you very well and you know her too. You will see how well she suits you, only if you can open your mind to it, and try to see her as a lady and not just your best friend," his mother said, undeterred by his irritation.

"I don't want to see her as anything other than my best friend. It's awkward. This conversation is awkward. Why are you all doing this now? If you wanted something like this to happen between us, why didn't you initiate it when we were growing up? Why now?" he asked since he had been asking himself that.

"We sort of hoped you would both come around to be with each other eventually but seeing as that is not happening and you both don't seem ready to go into committed relationships with other people, we decided to try our best to help you...."