Another Work Day

As Kimberly and Melvin walked into the company that morning, she did all she could to make sure she appeared indifferent and aloof.

While she maintained a straight face, Melvin, who was happy that she was better than she had been the previous day, grinned and waved at anyone who cared to look at him.

The staff who had seen them the previous day all concluded that Melvin had only acted the way he did the previous day because it was probably Kimberly's first day at the company.

As they approached Melvin's office, Kimberly and Melvin were greeted by Peter, who stood up, "Good morning, sir, Ma'am," he greeted politely, wanting to see how his boss would behave today, seeing as he had come to work once again with his fiancée.

Kimberly merely gave him a nod as she walked past him, but Melvin paused, "How are you?" Melvin asked, surprising Kimberly, who turned to smile at him.