I Heard Everything

By the time it was lunch break, Kimberly was done with three meetings and was more than ready to go for lunch.

"I'm tired and hungry. Let's go eat something," Kimberly said the moment Melvin walked into the office after her last meeting.

"Eat? How can you be hungry? You had breakfast," Melvin said, unable to believe that she wanted to eat again.

"I only ate breakfast. How can I not be hungry? I usually eat three square meals a day even when I'm not working so hard, and now that I'm being overworked, you expect me not to eat?" Kimberly asked in disbelief.

"Fine. There's no need to go out. Let's order something," he said, not wanting to go to a restaurant with her alone since he wouldn't want to go to the company's cafeteria.

Going to a restaurant with her when they weren't there to meet a client sounded like a date to him, and he didn't want that, especially since he knew she'd most likely discuss last night.