Fake Couple/Fake Wedding

Saturday morning, Kimberly woke up to the feel of Melvin's arms wrapped tightly around her as he snuggled into her, his head resting on her chest.

She smirked as she looked down at him. For someone who had asked her to stop cuddling him, it was funny that he was the one cuddling her now.

Although she wanted to adjust, she decided not to. She remained the way she was, wanting Melvin to wake up to see exactly what he had done.

Melvin stirred, and Kimberly immediately closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep so she would see what he would do when he realized he had been the one cuddling her.

The moment Melvin opened his eyes and realized what he had done, he quickly pulled away from her and put some distance between them, wanting to get off the bed before Kimberly woke up.

Kimberly stirred, pretending like she was just about to wake up, and immediately, Melvin turned away from her and lay flat on the bed, pretending to be asleep.