Three Months

As Kimberly and Melvin made their way down the stairs, Melvin filled Kimberly in on all his past interactions with the attorney before and since the reading of the Will so that she would be able to converse with him properly as though he was the one.

Kimberly had met Mr. Wilbert before, during the reading of Melanie's will three months ago. So, she was a bit familiar with him.

The moment Kimberly and Melvin walked into the sitting room, Mr. Wilbert, the solemn attorney tasked with overseeing the execution of Melvin's late mother's will, rose from his seat to welcome them.

Mr Wilbert was a middle-aged man dressed in a formal black suit with a pair of glasses perched on the bridge of his nose, adding to his professional appearance and an air of solemnity befitting his profession.

Melvin and Kimberly exchanged uneasy glances, acutely aware of the weight of the impending conversation.