Favorite Older Brother

By the time Melvin returned to his bedroom, Kimberly had already set out what he would wear on the bed and was in the shower, so he went into his closet to take out clothes for her.

"Are you okay?" Kimberly asked softly, a moment later when she stepped out of the bathroom, and saw Melvin seated on the couch and staring into space.

"Yes. Why?" He asked, and she shrugged.

"I don't know. You received a letter from your mom. I'm sure you miss her," Kimberly said, not wanting to point out the fact that she could tell from his eyes that he had been crying.

"I'm fine. I will go have my shower now so we can leave for the spa," Melvin said as he rose and headed for the bathroom.

After they were both done dressing up, they headed downstairs to have breakfast. Melvin was silent all through and barely ate anything, and even though Kimberly wanted to cheer him up, she kept quiet since she doubted that he would want or appreciate it.